In this day and age of cyber risk and data privacy regulations, automated third-party questionnaires are a must. Organizations can no longer simply hire vendors without proof of a strong
Continue ReadingThe CISO’s Guide to Choosing an Automated Security Questionnaire Platform
In today’s perilous cyber world, companies must carefully check their vendors’ cyber posture, and the initial vetting of any third party typically begins with a comprehensive security questionnaire.</p>But these can
Continue Reading10 Critical Issues to Cover in Your Vendor Security Questionnaires
Need help with the numerous vulnerabilities your team faces?Not sure which cyber threat poses the greatest risk to your business?Not just customers. Cyber security leaders have beenAs we continue to
Continue ReadingHow to focus on the most important vulnerabilities
Traditional vulnerability management tools cannot handle today’s complex IT environments.The reason is that it cannot provide a real-time, unified view of the attack surface.Instead of letting them know about the
Continue ReadingAnswer to the vulnerability overload problem: risk-based vulnerability management
Are there too many vulnerabilities to manage? Try a new approach.The security team is addressing vulnerabilities beyond the capabilities of the team.Distributing limited useful resources too thinly quickly becomes inefficient,It
Continue ReadingRisk-based vulnerability management: focus on vulnerabilities that pose the greatest risk
The regulatory environment is getting increasingly rigorous and demanding, entity managers and corporate secretaries need technology to support their roles in order to just remain compliant, particularly for those organizations
Continue ReadingImproving Entity Governance Through Technology
According to the Harvard Business Review, the number of individuals involved in B2B solutions purchases has increased to 6.8 people, on average. Typically these stakeholders come from various roles, functions
Continue ReadingEntity Management Software Buyer’s Guide
Personalized and responsive service continues to play a central role in the financial services industry. Even as customers embrace digital channels for most transactions, they still count on inperson interactions
Continue ReadingModernize the WAN for a High Performance Cloud and Virtual Application Experience in your Financial Services Environment
In this fast-paced market, agility matters. The ability to quickly open a location or integrate an acquisition can make all the difference in seizing opportunities and staying ahead of the
Continue ReadingHow financial services organizations can achieve security, flexibility, and greater efficiencies with virtualization
Your employees want technology that simplifies their lives and makes it easier for them to get work done. However, many financial institutions have not assessed how their employees work and
Continue ReadingResource Name: How a next-generation digital workspace boosts employee engagement and productivity