After a year that saw the largest and fastest transformation in work patterns in history, security teams now preside over an ecosystem that is more distributed and heterogeneous than ever
Continue ReadingCIO Essential Guidance: The CISO security threat landscape
Cybersecurity spend continues to increase, yet breaches continue to rise. What are we doing wrong? For starters, most organizations define cybersecurity practices through preventative technologies. What these approaches are often
Continue ReadingSeven Cybersecurity Misconceptions Every CIO Should Dispel
Digital transformation and cloud migrations expand potential attack surfaces and internal security teams are stretched beyond measure. The most innovative CISOs stay ahead of cybersecuritythreats and mitigate vulnerabilities by augmenting
Continue ReadingHacker-Powered Security Report: Industry Insights ’21
Questo documento descrive in dettaglio le procedure consigliate per i team DevSecOps che desiderano passare a metodologie più moderne per il ciclo di vita delle applicazioni. Verranno presentate undici procedure
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Este documento analiza las prácticas recomendadas que deberían adoptar los equipos de DevSecOps que quieran implementar una metodología moderna para el ciclo de vida de las aplicaciones. Se detallan once
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Habrá observado que el equipo de VMware Tanzu últimamente habla y escribe mucho sobre seguridad de contenedores, y esto no es una coincidencia. A medida que la adopción de DevOps
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Lessons Learned: An IT Pro’s Experience Building His Last Line of DefenseThis is the true story of an IT Manager who was tired of his users clicking everything and wanted
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The Real World: New-School Security Awareness Training… From the TrenchesThis is the true story of an IT Manager who was tired of his users clicking on everything and wanted to
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An IT Pro’s Experience: How To Conquer Human Error With Security TrainingDavid Tutwiler, Director of Information Technology, South Western Communications, knows first hand what it’s like to have a security
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10 Incredible Ways You Can Be Hacked Using Email & How To Stop the Bad GuysEmail is still the #1 attack vector the bad guys use. A whopping 91% of
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