Necessity may be the mother of invention, but competition is the mother of innovation. Product lifecycles continue shortening while supply chains continue to get more complex and volatile in terms
Continue ReadingMaking Supplier Innovation Deliver to Manufacturers’ Triple Bottom Line
Keeping up with (or ahead of) customers and delivering new, exciting experiences is the fuel for growth—it’s the reason why over the years top innovators outpace the market. These innovators
Continue ReadingFive keys to unlock continuous innovation
Every software development team can benefit from the increase in speed, transparency, and confidence that cloud-based continuous integration can provide. But some organizations face higher security and compliance needs that
Continue ReadingCI/CD for the Hybrid Cloud
Software delivery has never been more critical to the success of business in every industry. It’s also never been more complex. With the growing challenges of complexity, how can engineering
Continue ReadingThe 2022 State of Software Delivery
The study details the results of 4 unique business cases where CircleCI has been linked to increased ROI, productivity, and security. Key takeaways include: $7.8 million saved from shorter software
Continue ReadingThe Forrester Total Economic Impact™ (TEI) Study, commissioned by CircleCI, examines the financial and business benefits of CircleCI
Getting your developers to embrace metrics isn’t about hand-selecting specific metrics to track. It’s about disseminating the company’s mission, tracking the metrics that work best for your team, and using
Continue ReadingHow to Build a Team That Demands Metrics Abstract
The 10th anniversary edition of the report includes commentary from DevOps experts on the 2021 data and recommendations for companies seeking to evolve their DevOps practices. Key findings include: Why
Continue Reading2021 Puppet State of DevOps Report
Many organizations fail to adopt application security best practices that work to protect software, data, and users. But integrating security tools into your application development environment can make security issues
Continue Reading6 Paths to Application Security
Today, industries are becoming more and more concentrated. Corporate giants are commanding much of the market share and minor players are experiencing shorter life cycles, with the lifespan of a
Continue ReadingModern Solutions to Level Up Your Market and Competitive Landscape Analysis
Traditional research methods, with maintenance founded on Google Alerts, CTRL +F, and daily email coverage from vendors, no longer serve companies’ and teams’ needs effectively. Industry-leaders are adopting new AI-based
Continue ReadingWhy AI-Powered Smart Search Is Necessary for Comprehensive Market Intelligence