Neo4j Graph Talks Zurich

Neo4j Graph Talks Zurich

LOCATION: Zurich Marriott Hotel (Meeting room: Studio 1), Neumuehlequai 42, Zurich 8006

Please join us to participate in an experts session where delegates will learn more about the power of the Neo4j, in particular how companies in this sector have used Neo4j to derive business value. There will also be the opportunity to network and engage with presenters and peers.

Outline agenda*

  • 8:30 – Breakfast and networking
  • 9.00 – Welcome and introductions – Andrew Frei, Country Manager for Switzerland, Neo4j
  • 9.15 – Neo4j Overview & Update on the latest developments – Marco DeLuca, Principal Solutions Architect/Alexander Katzdobler, Field Engineer
  • 9.45 – Neo4j Customer Use Case: How Zurich Insurance Achieves Faster Fraud Investigations With Neo4j – Paul Kühne, Head, Special Investigation Unit Claims Performance Management
  • 10.15 – Q & A Panel session with all speakers
  • 10.40 – Coffee, Networking
  • 11.00 – Close

Who should attend?

This event is aimed at business and technology departmental leaders from financial institutions. The event will help you to understand more about the Neo4j platform, in particular how you can implement this within your organisation to gain efficiencies and ultimately derive value. As well as hearing some inspiring speakers you will have the opportunity to network with experts from Neo4j as well as with like-minded individuals from organisations in your sector.

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