Retail cybersecurity in the age of the omni channel customer experience requires CIOs and vice presidents of IT totakea30,000- foot view.Supporting multiple point-of-sale (POS) solutions,an assortment of cloud-based applications, distributed
Continue ReadingWhat Today’s Retailers Need in a Security Architecture
Noimportaeltamañodesunegocio,IBMQRadarlepermitehacerfrenteasusdesafíosdeciberseguridadmásimportantes.Asegúresedequesuprogramadeoperacionesdeseguridadseadaptealasprioridadesdesunegocio.¿Qué le pareceríacombinar la automatización y el conocimiento delsectorparaabordarlacomplejidadyescaladelaseguridad?Nodejequeelmundodesconocidodelaseguridadleimpidallevarsunegocioadelanteyestaralfrentedesuscompetidores.QRadarestálistoparacreceramedidaquesunegociocrece.
In a modern enterprise, customers now have vastly enhanced needs for their service desk, IT operations, DevOps, and end user efficiency— to allow employees across divisions to shift focus to
Continue ReadingExplore all the business value and efficiencies BMC Helix bring to organizations
Within the next several years, many IT Executives will have to contend with increasing pressure to:Drive a successful cloud strategy and remove operational silos between the data center and one
Continue ReadingIT Executive Decision Framework: From Virtualization to Multi-Cloud – 5 Stage Cloud Journey for Application and Cloud Modernization